Unrivalled Pricing

You should want Lauf bikes regardless of their pricing. The ride, features and quality set them in a class of their own. But it sure doesn’t hurt that their pricing is also in a class of its own.

Pushing the envelope is in our DNA. We’re not here to conform. Since we started the journey back in 2011, we’ve gone from a “garage band” in Reykjavik, Iceland, to a household name in cycling all over the world.

Our suspension innovation needs no introduction, but we didn’t stop there. We didn’t enter cycling to “only” come up with cool technology. We entered cycling to make a mark and get our technology to riders, for them to enjoy. At the end of the day, the point of it all is helping cyclists riding further, faster, and more often. A crucial variable in the equation is often overlooked though – pricing.

DTY – Direct to You!

We don’t just aim for unrivalled pricing, but also unrivalled customer service. Our unfiltered connection Direct-to-You is instrumental in reaching both goals.

  • Maximum efficiency
    In operations, production and logistics.
    In communications Direct-to-You, where both parties get the best possible “unfiltered” information.
  • Just Ride
    The bike is delivered Direct-to-You - almost fully assembled. You only have to mount the handlebar, seat post and front tire. Ready to roll out-of-the-box in minutes.
  • Got Questions?
    If you got questions on anything - fit, spec, colors, whatever. You can always find us on the chat. This way you are getting the information from the people that designed the products. We're located in Reykjavik, Iceland and Harrisonburg, VA, USA - so you should see us online pretty much all the time.

Just-in-Time Production

Our new assembly factory in Harrisonburg (Virginia, USA) enables substantial cost reduction through lowered shipping costs (with a substantially lower CO2 footprint) and Just-in-Time bike assembly and inventory management. This enables us to bring inventory levels down, while further improving quality.

From Lauf with Love!

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